
COMtrexx® VM

With scalability up to 250 users, with 250 simultaneous calls permanently available, the COMtrexx Soft PBX solution is the perfect basis for large expansion stages. Combined with the transparent and flexible user licence model, a continuous expansion of the system is possible at any time.

The perfectly optimised connection to the SIP terminals of the COMfortel D series guarantees seamless and convenient interaction between the two Auerswald systems, which is fun to use.


Operating system

Version 2.4.4 (Stable) | 06.12.2024
Version 2.4.4 (Stable) | 06.12.2024
V8.6.3.9886 (Stable) | 07.02.2025
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022
Windows 11
macOS 14 "Sonoma"
macOS 13 "Ventura"
Windows 10 (ab Version 1903)
5.6.5 (Stable) | 09.12.2024
Windows 11
Windows 10 32-/64-Bit
Windows 8.1 32/64 Bit (Windows RT is not supported/wird nicht unterstützt)
Windows 8 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT wird nicht unterstützt)
1.0.17 (Stable) | 17.10.2024
Google Android
Apple iOS
2024.12.13 (Stable) | 24.01.2025
Google Android
Apple iOS
V7.8.0.8453 (Stable) | 23.01.2024
Windows 10 32-/64-Bit
Windows 11
Windows Server 2022
macOS High Sierra (10.13)
macOS Mojave (10.14)
Windows Server 2012 R1 (limited range of functions/eingeschränkter Funktionsumfang)
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 32-/64-Bit SP1
Windows 8.1 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT is not supported)
macOS Catalina (10.15)
macOS Ventura (13.2)
macOS Monterey (12.6.3)
V (Stable) | 25.07.2023
Windows 10 32-/64-Bit
Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 (32-Bit/64-Bit / Windows RT wird nicht unterstützt)
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows 2012 Server R1
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows 2012 Server
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 32-/64-Bit SP1
Windows Server 2012 und Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows 8.1 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT is not supported)
Windows 11
Windows Server 2022
V1.4.4.3 (Stable) | 25.07.2023
Windows 10 32-/64-Bit
Windows 7 32-/64-Bit SP1
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 2012 Server
Windows 2012 Server R1
Windows 11
Windows Server 2022
Windows Server 2012 R2
Version 2.2.1 (Stable) | 06.12.2023
Version 2.2.1 (Stable) | 06.12.2023
Version 2.2.1 (Stable) | 06.12.2023
Show less Show more


LanguagesCurrent version
Operation Instructions V11 12/2024 Online PDF
V11 12/2024 Online PDF
Privacy Policy V09 10/2024 PDF
COMtrexx Control Center - Operation Manual V07 12/2024 Online PDF
V07 12/2024 Online PDF
COMtrexx Control Center - Privacy Policy V04 10/2024 PDF
COMmander/COMpact PBX as a/b gateway V02 11/2022 PDF
V02 11/2022 PDF
V02 11/2022 PDF
Instructions COMtrexx VM for Microsoft Hyper-V V08 11/2023 PDF
Instructions COMtrexx VM for Oracle VM VirtualBox V06 11/2023 PDF
Instructions COMtrexx VM for VMware ESXi V06 11/2023 PDF

Operation Instructions

General information

Help/Instructions for COMtrexx from firmware version 2.4.4

New descriptions


New function.

Several corrections and editiorial changes

Change of term

Feature level became Version status

COMmander/COMpact PBX as a/b gateway

General information

Instructions for COMmander/COMpact PBXs as a/b gateway on a COMtrexx

Changed descriptions

Overview of Functions

Information on the firmware version added.

Configuration of Subscribers

Information on the setting of exchange line authorisation added.

Instructions COMtrexx VM for Microsoft Hyper-V

General information

Help/Instructions for COMtrexx VM HyperV from firmware version 2.0

Editiorial changes

Links to COMtrexx support and COMtrexx help with improved and comprehensive information.

Additional languages.

Instructions COMtrexx VM for Oracle VM VirtualBox

General information

Help/Instructions for COMtrexx VM Virtual Box from firmware version 2.0

Editiorial changes

Links to COMtrexx support and COMtrexx help with improved and comprehensive information.

Additional languages.

Instructions COMtrexx VM for VMware ESXi

General information

Help/Instructions for COMtrexx VM for VMWare ESXi from firmware version 2.0

Editiorial changes

Links to COMtrexx support and COMtrexx help with improved and comprehensive information.

Additional languages.

Privacy Policy

For the following products:

  • COMtrexx Advanced
  • COMtrexx Business
  • COMtrexx Flex
  • COMtrexx Next
  • COMtrexx VM Hyper-V
  • COMtrexx VM VirtualBox
  • COMtrexx VMware ESXi

For the following firmware:

  • V2.4


  • German
  • English
  • French


Due to the increased volume of telephone traffic, the transfer points of VoIP providers may reach their capacity limits. A solution is sought by the providers through load balancing. The load distribution is done with a DNS SRV query. The DNS SRV is used to enable the provider to notify the registrars prioritised by him. The DNS resolution must be carried out by the provider. For this purpose, the router must use the DNS servers of the provider.

Early generations of hybrid telephone systems:

  • COMpact 3000 analogue, ISDN and VoIP
  • COMpact 5010/5020 VoIP
  • COMmander Basic.2 / Basic.2 19“
  • COMmander Business / Business 19“

These systems do not support the dynamic procedure and can therefore no longer be operated on the respective VoIP account after platform changeover. In these cases, the ICT system must be replaced by a compatible system.


Current ICT systems:

  • COMpact 4000
  • COMpact 5000 (R)
  • COMpact 5200 (R)
  • COMpact 5500R
  • COMmander 6000 (R) (RX)
  • COMtrexx alle Varianten

Note the following points in the configuration:

  • Configure the corresponding provider under Public networks, VoIP, Provider. The default value 5060 must be set as the registrar port and for the outbound proxy. The current templates are already preset for this.
  • Under Administration, IP configuration, the IP of the router or gateway must be entered in the 1st DNS server field.


Recommended action for systems possibly affected by hacker attacks:

  1. Deactivate all port forwarding to the ICT system!
  2. Check the log and make sure that the logins are traceable
  3. Change the username, PIN and admin password
  4. Check whether there are newly created sub-admins, users, participants or groups and change the passwords
  5. Change passwords for public VoIP providers
  6. Check call deflection


Check the following points for all profiles and properties (users, participants, groups, etc.):

  1. Check the dialling privileges
  2. Check parallel call
  3. Check call deflections
  4. Check voicemail boxes, check activation of remote control and change PINs
  5. Check the deputy functions of the voicemail boxes and the registered destinations
  6. Check Follow-Me settings


Check other configurations:

  1. Check whether remote access by telephone (switching functions remotely by telephone) is active. Change PINs or, if unused, switch them off
  2. Check automatic reception, check activation and registered destinations
  3. Check FMC/call through functions, check users and dialling privileges
  4. Check entries in the IP release list


When using Auerswald IP system telephones with integrated voicemail:

  1. Check the access data, change the password
  2. Check the destinations for call deflections
  3. Check the voicemail boxes, check activation of remote control and change PINs

Note: If logs of a COMtrexx are required for diagnostic purposes by the support, you will receive a cfc file that enables the recording of certain system processes.


Setting up Wireshark logging in the COMtrexx


  1. Import the cfc file under Administration > Service > Logging > Import.
  2. Activate the logging under Logging activated.
  3. Select Logging system > PCAP format (wireshark).
  4. Save the changes.

Performing Wireshark logging

  1. Open the Run dialogue (Windows + R).
  2. Start Wireshark with the following command wireshark.exe -i TCP@IP_PBX:42231
    example wireshark.exe -i TCP@

Wireshark starts with a new user interface

Note: To limit the file size for a longer recording, the maximum size of the files can be set in the recording options.

  1. Open the recording options under Recording > Options > Export.
  2. Configure the destination folder and file name for the recording under Open.
  3. Activate the file size limitation under Automatically create a new file... > after > 20Megabyte.

Numbering and date/time are then appended to the file names: COMtrexx-Log_00001_20220404103804, COMtrexx-Log_00002_20220404104014

Error messages on the SoftPhone

  • 400 - Bad Request - Provisioning in the system is deactivated. This function must be activated for successful use of the COMfortel SoftPhone.
  • 404 - Not Found - The phone does not exist in the system or no template has been assigned to it.
  • 477|480|60 - Send failed - The telephone system cannot currently be reached via any of the Auerproxy servers because it is not currently logged on to any Auerproxy.
  • 495 - unknown - The phone is no longer present on the system.
  • 502 - Bad Gateway - The telephone system is not currently logged on to the Auerproxy (either no Internet connection or Auerproxy deactivated in the PBX).

Due to ever-increasing IT security requirements and new specifications from providers, Auerswald cannot guarantee that all telephones from other manufacturers can be put into operation and used permanently with the full range of functions. Especially with older third-party telephones, which no longer receive firmware updates from the respective manufacturer, functions can only be supported to a limited extent or not at all.


  • PBX Call Assist ab Version 5
  • .net Framework ab Version 4.8 am UCServer
  • PBX Call Assist 5 UCServer mit Internetzugriff zu Microsoft Diensten wie und
  • Ab Office 365 E3 mit Teams, oder vergleichbar
  • Zugriff auf Azure Active Directory
  • Übereinstimmung der Benutzer in der UCServer Verwaltung und im Azure Active Directory.
  • API Berechtigungen im Unternehmen (tenant), zu gewähren sind (Admin und User consent) für die Integration PBX Call Assist 5 in Teams
  • admin consent: Zustimmung erforderlich zum Schreiben von Präsenzen
  • user consent: Zustimmung erforderlich zum Lesen von Präsenzen


  • Installation von PBX Call Assist 5 als Neuinstallation oder Update
  • Tenant-ID im Microsoft Azure Portal auslesen
  • Im Azure Portal „User consent und Admin consent“ zulassen
  • UCServer Verwaltung öffnen > Services > Integration in MS Teams

Aktivieren Sie die Funktion und tragen Sie die Microsoft Teams Tenant ID ein.

Erteilen Sie nach dem Login die Zustimmung des Benutzers und Administrators:

Hinweis: Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei Passwortänderungen oder für ein abgelaufenes Passwort des Administrator- oder Benutzerkontos, welches für den Admin oder User Consent verwendet wurde, die Berechtigung im UCServer erneut ausgestellt werden muss, um die Funktionalität sicherzustellen.

Bereitstellung der APP:
Im PBX Call Assist 5 Installationspaket finden Sie im Unterordner "MS-Teams" die PBX Call Assist 5 Manifestdatei "". Diese kann vom Administrator im Microsoft Teams Admin Center hochgeladen werden und installiert die aktuellste Call Assist App für Microsoft Teams

Nutzung in Microsoft Teams:
Nachdem die PBX Call Assist App für Microsoft Teams vom Administrator im Microsoft Teams Admin Center freigegeben wurde, steht die App allen Mitarbeitern der Organisation im Microsoft Teams App Store unter "Für Ihre Organisation entwickelt" zur Verfügung und kann einfach zum Microsoft Teams Client hinzugefügt werden:

Der Benutzer meldet sich mit seinen Benutzerdaten (UCServer) an.

Die Service URL entspricht der Adresse des UCServers im Netzwerk. Verwenden Sie http://localhost:7225

Danach steht die PBX Call Assist App dem Nutzer zur Verfügung:

In principle, PBX Call Assist 5 can still be used. However, if the software assurance is not extended, the scope of features will be significantly limited: neither the Microsoft Teams app nor the latest versions of the mobile apps will be useable. In addition, systems without software assurance do not receive bug fixes and security updates, and there is no access to subsequent releases with new functions.