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Updates & Upgrades

Are you an Auerswald partner? Log in to receive all important information for the specialist trade.

Security and Efficiency for Care

Stiemerling Senior Residence Relies on Auerswald

Further news

New – Software update 8.6.3 for PBX Call Assist 5 (Windows and macOS)

The new version is now available for download

New – Firmware update 2.61.0 for COMfortel DECT bases

New update for COMfortel WS-500S and WS-500M

Further news

IT security for your customers: It's up to you!

Our common endeavour is to provide your customers with highly functional and reliable communication solutions. Our focus is always on security. Because the topic of IT security is constantly present, and rightly so - hacker attacks cause damage of over 200 billion euros annually* in Germany alone!

Better be safe: always up to date

Um finanzielle Schäden und Ärger zu vermeiden, muss die IT also stets „up to date“ sein. Und das gilt natürlich auch für Auerswald Systeme! Achten Sie daher insbesondere auf Firmwareupdates für unsere COMmander und COMpact ITK-Systeme sowie neue Software-Releases unserer Soft-PBX COMtrexx. Mit diesen liefern wir Ihnen immer wieder wichtige Sicherheitsupdates, die Sie schnellstmöglich auf den Systemen Ihrer Kunden durchführen sollten. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihren aktiven Beitrag, Hackern keine Angriffschancen zu bieten!

In order to avoid financial damage and annoyance, IT must therefore always be "up to date". And of course this also applies to Auerswald systems! Therefore, pay particular attention to firmware updates for our COMmander and COMpact ICT systems as well as new software releases for our COMtrexx soft PBX. With these we always provide you with important security updates, which you should implement on your customers' systems as quickly as possible. We thank you for your active contribution to not giving hackers a chance!

We inform you about new releases in our newsletter News & Facts and in the Support News.

* Source: (German)


Marketing Tools

Brochures, catalogues

Tender documents (German)

Sales Department

Voucher Center

Sales Configurator



Downloads / Documentation / FAQs




Further training

Auerswald Training Academy

Sales Partner

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