Languages | Current version | ||
Operation Instructions | V11 12/2024 | Online PDF | |
V11 12/2024 | Online PDF | ||
Privacy Policy | V09 10/2024 | ||
Instructions | V04 01/2025 | ||
COMtrexx Control Center - Operation Manual | V07 12/2024 | Online PDF | |
V07 12/2024 | Online PDF | ||
COMtrexx Control Center - Privacy Policy | V04 10/2024 | ||
COMmander/COMpact PBX as a/b gateway | V02 11/2022 | ||
V02 11/2022 | |||
V02 11/2022 | |||
Statements of conformity | V01 08/2023 |
General information
Help/Instructions for COMtrexx from firmware version 2.4.4
New descriptions
New function.
Several corrections and editiorial changes
Feature level became Version status
General information
Help/Instructions for COMtrexx Next from firmware version 2.4
Changed descriptions
Notes updated regarding MFA, system events and sequence.
Additional information on the display during the start process.
General information
Help/Instructions for COMtrexx Next from firmware version 2.2
Changed descriptions
Wall-mounted power supply type 2 and data.
General information
Help/Instructions for COMtrexx Next from firmware version 2.2
Changed descriptions
Wall-mounted power supply type and data.
General information
Instructions for COMmander/COMpact PBXs as a/b gateway on a COMtrexx
Changed descriptions
Information on the firmware version added.
Information on the setting of exchange line authorisation added.
For the following products:
For the following firmware:
Due to the increased volume of telephone traffic, the transfer points of VoIP providers may reach their capacity limits. A solution is sought by the providers through load balancing. The load distribution is done with a DNS SRV query. The DNS SRV is used to enable the provider to notify the registrars prioritised by him. The DNS resolution must be carried out by the provider. For this purpose, the router must use the DNS servers of the provider.
Early generations of hybrid telephone systems:
These systems do not support the dynamic procedure and can therefore no longer be operated on the respective VoIP account after platform changeover. In these cases, the ICT system must be replaced by a compatible system.
Current ICT systems:
Note the following points in the configuration:
Note: If logs of a COMtrexx are required for diagnostic purposes by the support, you will receive a cfc file that enables the recording of certain system processes.
Setting up Wireshark logging in the COMtrexx
Performing Wireshark logging
wireshark.exe -i TCP@IP_PBX:42231
wireshark.exe -i TCP@
.Wireshark starts with a new user interface
Note: To limit the file size for a longer recording, the maximum size of the files can be set in the recording options.
Numbering and date/time are then appended to the file names: COMtrexx-Log_00001_20220404103804
, COMtrexx-Log_00002_20220404104014
PBX firmware 8.2 or newer
COMfortel WS-500x firmware 2.48 or newer
To use the alarm-messaging or alarm-messaging-location features, the provisioning file for the COMfortel IP DECT system must be supplemented in the telephone system.
Switching on the function:
<!-Switch on alarm messaging and location for all handsets--->.
<oper name="set_hs_aml" value="@">
<param name="LocationAML" value="1"/>
<param name="MessagingAML" value="1"/>
<!-- for individual handsets -->
<oper name="set_hs_aml" value="IPUI des Handsets">
<param name="LocationAML" value="1"/>
<param name="MessagingAML" value="1"/>
Activate alarm server certificate:
<oper name="set_uci">
<param name="mosquitto.listener.enabled" value="1" />
Release of the ring tones in the COMfortel DECT handset:
<settings version="1.0" productID="e2">
<param name="AmlGlobal.0.HottestAlertNameHigh" value="High prio"/>
<param name="AmlGlobal.0.HottestAlertNameMid" value="Medium prio"/>
<param name="AmlGlobal.0.HottestAlertNameLow" value="Low prio "/>
If SIP text messages are to be displayed (e.g. with the call systems GIRA 834 Plus and Hospicall P3 or P7), the following must be added:
<!-- Set display name, priority, display duration, message memory duration and ringtone. -->
<param name="SipProvider.0.AML_TitleText" value="GIRA Rufsystem"/>
<param name="SipProvider.0.AML_Prio" value="3"/>
<param name="SipProvider.0.AML_PresentationTimer" value="10"/>
<param name="SipProvider.0.AML_TTL" value="3600"/>
<param name="SipProvider.0.AML_AlertInfo" value="msg_melody_mid"/>
Assigning the AM and AML licenses
Download PDF (German) for setting up the messaging interfaces for the COMfortel® IP-DECT system and the COMfortel® D series via COMtrexx® autoprovisioning
Error messages on the SoftPhone
Due to ever-increasing IT security requirements and new specifications from providers, Auerswald cannot guarantee that all telephones from other manufacturers can be put into operation and used permanently with the full range of functions. Especially with older third-party telephones, which no longer receive firmware updates from the respective manufacturer, functions can only be supported to a limited extent or not at all.
Workaround for the COMfortel IP-DECT system
With firmware 2.53 the number of AM and AML licenses present in the COMfortel IP DECT system is checked. If no licenses or less licenses than handsets are active in the system, in rare cases an error message appears in the handsets after some time. In addition, this instruction saves the manual assignment of AM and AML licenses to the handsets in the DECT Manager.
You can remedy this with this workaround:
Please create a new template for COMfortel WS-500 in the phone system. Then click on Edit.
In the provisioning file, search for „<!—Enable AML for all connected handsets".
Change these parameters:
<param name="LocationAML" value="0"/>
<param name="MessagingAML" value="0"/>
In the PBX, assign the provisioning file to the DECT manager. Perform provisioning. Open the provisioning file again.
Now the tag must be commented out:
Please cut out „-->“ in the first line.
<!-- Enable AML for all connected handsets -->
<oper name="set_hs_aml" value="$(m5x0.ipui)">
<param name="LocationAML" value="0"/>
<param name="MessagingAML" value="0"/>
And add at the end of the tag
<!-- Enable AML for all connected handsets
<oper name="set_hs_aml" value="$(m5x0.ipui)">
<param name="LocationAML" value="0"/>
<param name="MessagingAML" value="0"/>
Perform provisioning.
Subsequently, in the DECT Manager under
Settings -> Handsets
Edit the appropriate handsets and enable and save messaging:
Messaging -> Yes
Setting up the alarm-messaging or alarm-messaging-location function via provisioning
Aktivieren Sie die Funktion und tragen Sie die Microsoft Teams Tenant ID ein.
Erteilen Sie nach dem Login die Zustimmung des Benutzers und Administrators:
Hinweis: Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei Passwortänderungen oder für ein abgelaufenes Passwort des Administrator- oder Benutzerkontos, welches für den Admin oder User Consent verwendet wurde, die Berechtigung im UCServer erneut ausgestellt werden muss, um die Funktionalität sicherzustellen.
Bereitstellung der APP:
Im PBX Call Assist 5 Installationspaket finden Sie im Unterordner "MS-Teams" die PBX Call Assist 5 Manifestdatei "". Diese kann vom Administrator im Microsoft Teams Admin Center hochgeladen werden und installiert die aktuellste Call Assist App für Microsoft Teams
Nutzung in Microsoft Teams:
Nachdem die PBX Call Assist App für Microsoft Teams vom Administrator im Microsoft Teams Admin Center freigegeben wurde, steht die App allen Mitarbeitern der Organisation im Microsoft Teams App Store unter "Für Ihre Organisation entwickelt" zur Verfügung und kann einfach zum Microsoft Teams Client hinzugefügt werden:
Der Benutzer meldet sich mit seinen Benutzerdaten (UCServer) an.
Die Service URL entspricht der Adresse des UCServers im Netzwerk. Verwenden Sie http://localhost:7225
Danach steht die PBX Call Assist App dem Nutzer zur Verfügung:
In principle, PBX Call Assist 5 can still be used. However, if the software assurance is not extended, the scope of features will be significantly limited: neither the Microsoft Teams app nor the latest versions of the mobile apps will be useable. In addition, systems without software assurance do not receive bug fixes and security updates, and there is no access to subsequent releases with new functions.