
a/b Switching Module

Do you want to operate light, door opener or burglar alarm system at the same time as pressing a (bell) button? Then the a/b switching module is the right choice. Up to six of these switching modules can be used on a TFS-Dialog 200/300/400 or TFS-Universal plus - all that is required is a two-wire cable.


LanguagesCurrent version
Instructions a/b Switching Module V03 10/2020 PDF
CE-Declaration V04 10/2022 PDF

Instructions a/b Switching Module

Safety information

Note about qualified electrician complemented.

Note about door bell transformer complemented. Note about inflammable materials deleted.

Technical Data

Operating voltage: Values changed

Contact load capacity: Values changed

Several editiorial changes


- EN 55032:2015/A11:2020 replaces EN 55032:2015
- EN55035:2017/A11:2020 replaces EN 55024:2010


The COMpact 3000 analog/ISDN/VoIP PBXs don't feature an interface for FTZ-standard doorphones.

However, you can use analog doorphones such as our TFS-Dialog 20x/30x/universal plus. In addition, you can use the TSA - a / b use this converter can convert different doorphone to a / b port .