Initial configuration of WS-500S (create user, register handset and configure LDAP)

COMfortel WS-500S Initial Commissioning without Provisioning.
Device role (Integrator+DECT Manager+Base station)
Switch on the device. After booting, it fetches its network settings via DHCP.
Calling the WS-500S IP address. Setting the language to English. Default access with username: admin and password: admin
You are prompted to change the password. The password should include: » at least 1 capital letter » at least 1 number » at least 1 special character » between 8 and 74 characters:
Select the DECT frequency band for Europe:
You can select Network > IP/LAN to modify the network settings:
Create a PBX profile:
Enter a name for the PBX profile and enter a domain:
Creating a user and registering handsets:
Select Mobile devices > Administration and click on the Add button:
Set the RegStatus to "to register", then enter the authentication name and username (internal number), and also the SCR password:
he user is then available for registration:
Registering a handset:
Switch on the handset and press "Register". Then enter the previously defined PIN. If registration is successful, the status changes to WS-500S.
(Caution, this requires a manual refresh!)
Configuring LDAP: Click on the pencil icon next to LDAP1 under Online telephone books:
Enter the telephone book name and click on the checkbox next to "Enable directory".
- Enter the PBX's IP address as the server address.
- Enter the LDAP Search base (BaseDN)
- Enter the Username, e.g. cn=auerswaldschandelah,dc=auerswald
- Enter the LDAP server password
Telephone book entry configuration:
First name: givenName
Last name: sn
Private telephone: homePhone
Office telephone:telephoneNumber
Mobile telephone: mobile
You can now assign the LDAP telephone book to the subscriber:
To do this, select Mobile devices > Administration > Edit. Then, under LDAP Authentication, select the required LDAP telephone book.
This completes basic configuration."