COMmander® 6000R

Product status End-of-Support: Aug. 2026
No further software updates or upgrades

Product status End-of-Service: Aug. 2028
No further technical support

Productstatus End-of-Repair: Aug. 2028
No further repair service


Operating system

V8.6.3.9886 (Stable) | 07.02.2025
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022
Windows 11
macOS 14 "Sonoma"
macOS 13 "Ventura"
Windows 10 (ab Version 1903)
2024.12.13 (Stable) | 24.01.2025
Google Android
Apple iOS
V7.8.0.8453 (Stable) | 23.01.2024
Windows 10 32-/64-Bit
Windows 11
Windows Server 2022
macOS High Sierra (10.13)
macOS Mojave (10.14)
Windows Server 2012 R1 (limited range of functions/eingeschränkter Funktionsumfang)
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 32-/64-Bit SP1
Windows 8.1 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT is not supported)
macOS Catalina (10.15)
macOS Ventura (13.2)
macOS Monterey (12.6.3)
V1.4.4.3 (Stable) | 25.07.2023
Windows 10 32-/64-Bit
Windows 8 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT wird nicht unterstützt)
Windows 2012 Server R1
Windows Server 2016
Windows 2012 Server
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 32-/64-Bit SP1
Windows 8.1 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT is not supported)
Windows 11
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2022
V (Stable) | 25.07.2023
Windows 10 32-/64-Bit
Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 (32-Bit/64-Bit / Windows RT wird nicht unterstützt)
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows 2012 Server R1
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows 2012 Server
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 32-/64-Bit SP1
Windows Server 2012 und Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows 8.1 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT is not supported)
Windows 11
Windows Server 2022
20170608 (Stable) | 07.06.2017
V2.7.10 Beta (Public Beta) | 17.01.2018
Linux (ab Kernel 2.6 getestet)
OS X El Capitan (10.11)
Windows 10 32-/64-Bit
Windows 8 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT wird nicht unterstützt)
Windows 11 (64-Bit)
Windows 2012 Server R1
Windows Server 2016
Windows 2012 Server
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 32-/64-Bit SP1
Windows 8.1 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT is not supported)
V (Stable) | 09.07.2015
Windows 7 32-/64-Bit SP1
Windows 10 32-/64-Bit
Windows 8 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT wird nicht unterstützt)
Windows 8.1 32-/64-Bit (Windows RT is not supported)
8.6B Build 000 (Stable) | 29.11.2024
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LanguagesCurrent version
Automatic exchange line request and the fax printer driver 0816 PDF
0816 PDF
Advisory ID: Auerswald-PBX-Systems-Webinterface-20210910 V1.0 PDF
Privacy Policy V04 10/2024 PDF
COMmander/COMpact PBX as a/b gateway V02 11/2022 PDF
V02 11/2022 PDF
V02 11/2022 PDF
Advanced Information V36 11/2024 Online PDF
V36 11/2024 Online PDF
V36 11/2024 Online PDF
Instructions V12 11/2020 PDF
Statements of conformity V07 10/2022 PDF
TFS-Dialog 100 to COMmander - without external gong 5/2005 PDF
Installation Guide Extension Set V06 07/2020 PDF
Commissioning instructions V09 06/2016 PDF

COMmander/COMpact PBX as a/b gateway

General information

Instructions for COMmander/COMpact PBXs as a/b gateway on a COMtrexx

Changed descriptions

Overview of Functions

Information on the firmware version added.

Configuration of Subscribers

Information on the setting of exchange line authorisation added.

Advanced Information

General Information

Help/Instructions for COMmander 6000R/RX as of firmware version 8.6B

New descriptions

The current Version 8.6

Information on the new firmware version

Changed descriptions

Provisioning files for D-Series and WS-Series

New option.

Configurable exchange line replacement tone

New option.

NAT traversal

New additional settings.

Synchronisation with a Google account

Improved security.

Public holidays during configuration switchover

Note added.

Macro speed dial number with suffix

Note added.

COMfortel WS-IP handsets for address books/contact group authorisations

Note added.

Several corrections



Path adapted

Important Information

Safety information: New sorting in categories adjusted

Safety information > Location Characteristics: Note about children complemented

Safety information > Repairs: Note revised

Commissioning (COMmander 6000R/RX)

Updating or Upgrading the PBX: Note about dummy panels complemented

Several editiorial changes

Statements of conformity

- EN 55032:2015/A11:2020 supersedes EN 55032:2015+AC:2016-07
- EN55035:2017/A11:2020 replaces EN 55024:2010

Installation Guide Extension Set

Images corrected

Privacy Policy

For the following products:

  • COMmander 6000/R/RX
  • COMpact 4000
  • COMpact 5000/R
  • COMpact COMpact 5200/5200R/5500R


  • German
  • English
  • French


Due to the increased volume of telephone traffic, the transfer points of VoIP providers may reach their capacity limits. A solution is sought by the providers through load balancing. The load distribution is done with a DNS SRV query. The DNS SRV is used to enable the provider to notify the registrars prioritised by him. The DNS resolution must be carried out by the provider. For this purpose, the router must use the DNS servers of the provider.

Early generations of hybrid telephone systems:

  • COMpact 3000 analogue, ISDN and VoIP
  • COMpact 5010/5020 VoIP
  • COMmander Basic.2 / Basic.2 19“
  • COMmander Business / Business 19“

These systems do not support the dynamic procedure and can therefore no longer be operated on the respective VoIP account after platform changeover. In these cases, the ICT system must be replaced by a compatible system.


Current ICT systems:

  • COMpact 4000
  • COMpact 5000 (R)
  • COMpact 5200 (R)
  • COMpact 5500R
  • COMmander 6000 (R) (RX)
  • COMtrexx alle Varianten

Note the following points in the configuration:

  • Configure the corresponding provider under Public networks, VoIP, Provider. The default value 5060 must be set as the registrar port and for the outbound proxy. The current templates are already preset for this.
  • Under Administration, IP configuration, the IP of the router or gateway must be entered in the 1st DNS server field.


Important information about "Emergency calls"
As installer and operator (customer) of telecommunication equipment you are legally obligated (Telekommunikations­gesetz § 108) to ensure the unhindered and prioritized routing of emergency calls (numbers 110 and 112).
Therefore please note the following essentials:

  1. In order to be able to make emergency calls without any special knowledge at any time, the PBX's emergency numbers must not be deleted. Otherwise the number is called wrong or is not possible at all!
  2. Furthermore the funcion "emergency call has priority" must stay enabled.
  3. From firmware version 6.6B on it is no longer possible to delete the statutory emergency numbers on the Auerswald PBXs COMpact 4000/5000 and COMmander 6000/6000R/6000RX. To use internal numbers beginning with 11... the optional setting to only call emergency numbers with exchange line access number can be enabled. If this special setting is enabled instruct every user of the PBX on how to dial emergency numbers and also label the phone accordingly to not violate § 108 Telekommunikationsgesetz
  4. Also check whether the number 116117 (emergency medical services) is already configured. On new installations this number must be configured as a service number. On older systems, where there are no service numbers, configure this number as emergency number also.
Note: Update your COMpact 4000/5000/5000R or COMmander 6000/R/RX to the current firmware as soon as possible and on older systems check the configured emergency numbers 110 and 112 as well as the emergency medical services 116117. 
Since the annoucement before answering is only configurable for groups, the waiting field has to configured for a group. If the waiting field is configured for a single subscriber, an announcement before answering can't be configured.


Firmware version
- as of version 1.8.2 (COMtrexx)
- as of version 8.4B 000 (for all other listed PBXs) is listed as a VoIP Provider, but Aaron is actually a service provider that offers automated Voice services, as such no calls can be placed or received through a Aaron trunk. Aaron provides their customers with a dedicated number for their SIP services which allows the customers to forward calls to this number (and this number only) on a Aaron trunk.
To make sure that only the dedicated calls a routed to Aaron and no other calls are routed this way some special settings are required.
Step 1: under “Public switched tel. Networks”→ VoIP→ Provider click import and select the Aaron template.
Step 2: under VoIP→ Accounts add a new Account with the credentials provided by Aaron.
Step 3: In “Subscriber (scr.)”→ Profiles → Configuration add a new profile named “No Aaron” based on “Standard Phone”, which has to be assigned to all telephones with outside lines instead of the “Standard Phone” profile. Activate the Profile override for “Exchange line authorisation” and switch it to “Exchange line dependent”. Under “Expert” switch Aaron to “Only internal” and save the settings.
Step 4: Assign the new profile “No Aaron” to all phones.
Step 5: Add a new Dummy Subscriber which will be used to forward calls to Aaron. The Dummy can not use the Profile “No Aaron” but will have to use the Standard phone profile. However in “Subscriber (scr.)”→ Phone numbers → (Dummy Account) → “Exchange line settings”→ “Exchange line authorisation” you have to switch it to “Exchange line dependent” and use the Expert button to set all providers beside Aaron to “Only incomming”. Aaron should be switched to National or International if the number Aaron provided you is not a national number for you.
Further you will have to set and activate “CF (call forwarding) immediately” to the SIP Access number provided by Aaron and activate “cascading” for the Dummy Subscriber.
Save the settings.

Take note: If further subscribers are added you have to make sure they use the “No Aaron” profile.

Use: by setting CF on busy or CF on no reply to the number of the dummy subscriber, calls can now be transferred to Aaron.

Hackers always use the same method: they are looking for companies whose PBX has an integrated voicemail function (answering machine) in order to manipulate it via remote access. All PBXs that have been recently manipulated showed poor security measures such as insecure PINs. Auerswald PBXs have sufficient security mechanisms. But they have to be used!



Therefore, please follow the following recommendations to protect your Auerswald PBX against such attacks:


  1. The admin PIN, the user PIN or the voice mailbox PIN can be used for the remote access. Do not make it easy for the attacker and use complex PINs (The PINs in the PBXs consist of six digits. Number sequences such as "123456" or "111111" or birthdays are NOT secure. It makes more sense to use random number sequences.
  2. If possible, use the blocking functions for incoming calls (e.g. block calls from abroad).
  3. It is more secure to use message forwarding via email and to disable the remote access.
  4. For outgoing calls, prefixes (010…) in order to make the call cheaper are often used so that the protections of the Telekom (detection of high costs in a short time) are not effective. You can secure your PBX by using the blocking functions for outgoing calls (e.g. for calls that begin with 010).

Important information about "Emergency calls"

As installer and operator (customer) of telecommunication equipment you are legally obligated (Telekommunikations­gesetz § 108) to ensure the unhindered and prioritized routing of emergency calls (numbers 110 and 112).

Therefore please note the following essentials:


  1. In order to be able to make emergency calls without any special knowledge at any time, the PBX's emergency numbersmust not be deleted. Otherwise the number is called wrong or is not possible at all!
  2. Furthermore the funcion "emergency call has priority" must stay enabled.
  3. From firmware version 6.6B on it is no longer possible to delete the statutory emergency numbers on the Auerswald PBXs COMpact 4000/5000 and COMmander 6000/6000R/6000RX. To use internal numbers beginning with 11... the optional setting to only call emergency numbers with exchange line access number can be enabled. If this special setting is enabled instruct every user of the PBX on how to dial emergency numbers and also label the phone accordingly to not violate § 108 Telekommunikationsgesetz
  4. Also check whether the number 116117 (emergency medical services) is already configured. On new installations this number must be configured as a service number. On older systems, where there are no service numbers, configure this number as emergency number also.


Note: Update your COMpact 4000/5000/5000R or COMmander 6000/R/RX to the current firmware as soon as possible and on older systems check the configured emergency numbers 110 and 112 as well as the emergency medical services 116117.

Since the annoucement before answering is only configurable for groups, the waiting field has to configured for a group. If the waiting field is configured for a single subscriber, an announcement before answering can't be configured.

Storage specifications (USB stick, SD-card)




Devicemax. storage capacitymin. write speedmin. read speedmin. number of write cyclesfilesystem format
COMpact 300016 GB4 MByte/sec6 MByte/sec1M.FAT/FAT32
COMpact 400016 GB6 MByte/sec9 MByte/sec2M.FAT/FAT32 (will be reformatted to EXT4 by the system)
COMpact 500016 GB6 MByte/sec9 MByte/sec2M.FAT/FAT32 (will be reformatted to EXT4 by the system)
COMpact 50x0 VoIP16 GB6 MByte/sec9 MByte/sec2M.FAT/FAT32
COMmander 6000 without VMF-module16 GB6 MByte/sec9 MByte/sec2M.FAT/FAT32 (will be reformatted to EXT4 by the system)


Devicemax. storage capacitymin. write speedmin. read speedmin. number of write cyclesfilesystem format
COMfortel VoIP 2500 AB4 GB4 MByte/sec6 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 320032 GB2 MByte/sec2 MByte/sec10.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 350032 GB2 MByte/sec2 MByte/sec10.000FAT/FAT32



Devicemax. storage capacitymin. write speedmin. read speedmin. number of write cyclesfilesystem format
COMpact 300016 GB5 MByte/sec8 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMpact 4000SD-card is embedded and cannot be replaced by the user.
COMpact 5000SD-card is embedded and cannot be replaced by the user.
COMmander 6000 ohne VMF-ModulSD-card is embedded and cannot be replaced by the user.
VMF-Modul16 GB9 MByte/sec15 MByte/sec4M.FAT/FAT32


Devicemax. storage capacitymin. write speedmin. read speedmin. number of write cyclesfilesystem format
COMfortel 1400 (MicroSD)16 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 1400 IP (MicroSD)16 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 25004 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT
COMfortel 260016 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 2600 IP16 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 320016 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 350016 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 3600 IP16 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32


Devicemax. storage capacitymin write speedmin. read speedmin. number of write cyclesfilesystem format
WG-6404 GB2 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec2.000.000FAT/FAT32


Info for using 16GB SD-cards:

Please note that the device's operating speed can get reduced due to the larger storage size.

In this case it is recommend to format the SD-card to 4GB with a PC.


In order to select several subscribers in the PBX's call-distribution settings, a group has to be generated with the respective subscribers as members. The group can then be selected in the call-distribution settings.

Under the following conditions the PBX can signal the busy-tone for addional incoming callers:

  1. The external call is distributed to only one subscriber; call-waiting must be disabled. Also no parallel call or call-forwarding on busy must be enabled for the internal or external number.
  2. Busy-on-busy is enabled for the external or internal group-number (depending on the PBX). In current systems the maximum number of connections before the busy-tone is played back can be set.

 If these conditions are met, additional incoming callers get the busy-tone. If it doesn't work it is not the PBX's fault anymore. What could be the cause now?

  1. The PBX is not operating directly on the public line and might be connected to the internal ISDN-port of a VoIP-router for example. In this case the PBX is signaling busy to the router. The router on the other hand only recognizes a busy device and eventually calls other devices (depending on the router's own call-distribution). Here it should be checked whether the router also provides a suitable setting or if the PBX can be connected directly to the public line without router.
  2. Another possibility is that another device is operating in parallel to the PBX (e.g. an alarm-system). Here the PBX signals busy to the provider but the other device is available for incoming calls and therefore rings; the caller gets the ringing-tone, not busy. In this case it should be checked if it is possible to disconnect the parallel device from the public line and connect it as internal subscriber to the PBX or the device must be set to not react to incoming calls. For further information the manufacturer of the device should be contacted.

How can I verify that the PBX is correctly signaling busy?

The PBX's call-distribution should be set to signal more than one subscriber, busy-on-busy is enabled or set to "from 1st connection on" (depending on the PBX). For the first incoming call all the configured subscribers ring and one of them takes the call. For the second incoming call no additional subscribers should ring. If they do the PBX's configuration should be checked. If the caller gets a ring-tone but the PBX's subscribers don't ring, one of the above described examples applies. If the caller gets the busy-tone, the function is ok.


Preparing the PBX for Remote Access

  • Activate "Enable dealer access via internet" in "Settings -> Remote Configuration" on the PBX.
  • If using method 2 you also have to define a remote switching number as well as an external PIN.

Registering the PBX in ARA

  • Go to "Registrierte TK-Anlagen" (registered PBXs)
  • Press the "+"-symbol to register a new PBX.
  • Enter at least the serial number, a name and the type of PBX of which you want to access.
  • Screenshots: ara1ara2

Activating remote access

Method 1: Activation by any internal phone

  • Tell your customer to dial the following sequence on any internal phone:  ##8 Admin-PIN | Subadmin-PIN | Benutzer-PIN * 91 # (example: ##8 471208* 91 #)
  • Click the refresh- (next to the "+"-symbol) and then the "Verbinden" (connect)-button in ARA.

Method 2: Activation by the dealer from a distance

  • Dial the previously configured remote switching number from any external phone.
  • After the switching tone enter the following sequence: ##8 external PIN * 91 # (example: ##8 471108* 91 #)
  • Click the refresh- (next to the "+"-symbol) and then the "Verbinden" (connect)-button in ARA.

Data privacy

Auerswald takes the protection of personal data very seriously. Please read the internet privacy statement and the general terms and conditions.


  • Auerswald COMpact 4000, COMpact 5000/5000R, COMpact 5200/5200R, COMpact 5500R, COMpact 5010/5020 VoIP or COMmander 6000/6000R/6000RX
  • LAN-TAPI-driver from version and up installed


If not already done so, enter your dialing rules and location information in the telephone-/modem options (Windows Control Panel). Enter the connection information (IP-address, port, LAN-TAPI-password) in the LAN-TAPI-driver's settings.

On the PBX's menu check or otherwise change the LAN-TAPI-settings (IP-address, port, LAN-TAPI-password) according to the driver's settings.

Make sure that any necessary dongle licenses were purchased and also create a list of LAN-TAPI subscribers in the PBX's LAN-TAPI-settings.

Deactivate the RAS-service in your server's admintrative tools and reboot the machine. After the reboot restart the server's telephony service.


Run the Windows dialer and set the subscriber you want to test in the options.

Enter a destination number and dial.


Network and computers

  • Maintain a stable network environment. The TAPI-server needs to have a permanent connection to the PBX.
  • Remove any unnecessary TAPI-related entries (e.g. HID, 323 etc.) in the advanced Telephone-/Modem options (Windows Control Panel).
  • Check if the operating system of the participating computers is supported by our driver or software.
  • Operation of LAN-Tapi services on several clients is possible if a domain controller (DC) with configured telephone service is available and the clients connect to this DC.
  • Operation of LAN-Tapi services on a single client is possible if the driver is installed on this client.
  • Please ensure that the LAN-Tapi-driver is only installed once across the network.
  • On a terminal server it is not possible to control access rights to subscriber lines. For this reason this type of installation is not recommended.


  • Check whether the PBX supports LAN-Tapi. For information see the features summary for the PBX on
  • By default our PBXs come with a certain number of LAN-tapi lines that can be used. Additional lines can be purchased in the Auerswald online shop


Depending on the phone the full extent of the LAN-Tapi functions may not be available. For example, among others, automatic call setup, toggling and forwarding calls is not supported with standard phones (non systemphones). For more detailed information please see the description of the LAN-Tapi driver on


  • CTI software usually requires separate paid licenses from the manufacturer. These licenses must be purchased in addition to the licenses for the PBX's LAN-Tapi lines.
  • With PBX-Call Assist the purchase of the software licenses is necessary from the first subscriber (the LAN-TAPI activation for the PBX is already included in the same number).
  • When using PBX Call Assist in a terminal server environment, please note that the PBX Call Assist client can only be used without TAPI or with standard TAPI (outgoing dialling only). Using the extended remote TAPI driver (outgoing dialing and display of incoming calls) in such an environment is not possible (will be queried during the installation of the client software).


PBXs with external ISDN connection

If you have a router that supports IP-telephony which also offers an internal ISDN-port (S0-port) you can generally connect the PBX's external ISDN-port to it. It is to note however that the PBX is now operated as a sub-PBX behind your router. Various features which are controlled by the network provider and operated by the PBX (such as call-forwarding via provider) can no longer be used. Since this is also dependent on the router we can't provide a listing of what exact features these are.

PBXs with external analog connection

If you have a router that supports IP-telephony which also offers internal analog ports you can generally connect the PBX's external analog port to it. It is to note however that the PBX is now operated as a sub-PBX behind your router. Various festure which are controlled by the network provider and operated by the PBX (such as call-forwarding via provider) can no longer be used. Since this is also dependent on the router we can't provide a listing of what exact features these are.

PBXs with external VoIP connection

If your network provider also provides you the necessary data (e.g. username, password) and allows operating alternate hardware, the VoIP-accounts can be configured directly in your PBX. A converter/gateway (e.g. VoIP-to-ISDN gateways) is not necessary. For this the PBX just has to be integrated in your network, so it can access the internet.

Note: These settings apply to all Auerswald PBXs that provide external internet telephony (VoIP).

COMpact 3000:

In "configuration -> Voice over IP (VoIP) -> VoIP provider" enter a name for the new account, select the according VoIP provider as well as the connection type and click on the green plus-symbol to generate the account.

COMpact 5010/5020, COMmander Basic2/Business:

In "COMset -> external numbers -> Voice over IP (VoIP) -> Provider" click on "online configurations" to download the appropriate provider template (if available).

Afterwards switch action to "import", select the downloaded template und import it.

In "configuration -> Voice over IP (VoIP) -> Accounts" enter a name for the new account, select the appropriate provider as well as the connection type and click on "execute" to generate the account.

COMpact 4000, COMpact 5000, COMmander 6000:

In "Public switched tel. networks -> Voice over IP (VoIP) -> Provider" click on "online configurations", select the according provider template (if available) and "load configuration".

In "Public switched tel. networks -> Voice over IP (VoIP) -> Accounts" click on "New", enter a name for the new account, select the appropriate provider as well as the connection type and click on "save" to generate the account.


Until they are deleted as part of the automatic cleanup or manually. Automatic purging deletes the oldest messages read when a definable percentage threshold is exceeded, e.g. at 80% of the memory space allocated to the box.

No, all messages are stored on the storage medium (USB stick or SD card) unencrypted. The storage media of COMpact 4000/5000/5200/5500 and COMmander 6000 have the ext4 format and are therefore usually not readable on a Windows PC without additional software.
The storage media of the system telephones are in FAT/FAT32 format and can be read out on a Windows PC without additional software.

Until the maximum number of call data records is exceeded or the entries are manually deleted from the call data list.
If the maximum number of call data records is exceeded, the oldest entries are overwritten.
It is not possible to define a time period after which the call data is automatically deleted.

The transmission path from the system to the mail server / mail provider is usually encrypted using SSL/TLS.
Encryption of mail and attachments up to the recipient of the mail (end-to-end encryption) is not possible.

Only for external VoIP accounts or on an analogue terminal. On external ISDN connections, to ISDN or VoIP extensions, caller identification cannot be prevented.
In the configuration of the VoIP provider used, a user-defined evaluation can be defined under Evaluation of incoming SIP messages, in which all selections for search prioritization are set to None.
For analog terminals, the CLIP info can be deactivated under Subscriber / Function overview / Analogue settings.

Yes, the recording of incoming and outgoing calls can be deactivated in the COMpact 4000/5000/5200/5500 and COMmander 6000 PBXs under User data / Call data / Settings.

A static IP address of is preset in the delivery state. The access data:
User name: admin
Password: admin
The current IP address can be queried on an ISDN telephone using the code ##8*941#.

The IP address is only displayed on the directly connected ISDN telephone, not on the internal S0 bus of our telephone systems.
Info: Display messages are used
COMmander Business and COMmander Basic.2 only: A replacement option is the automatic callback from the VoIP/ISDN gateway. With this callback, the IP address is then transmitted as the phone number.

Translated with (free version)

This FAQ describes the simple first setup of Auerswald VoIP systemphones by using zero-touch configuration thus setting the phone's provider and account configuration by the PBX (basic provisioning).

Supported by the following PBXs (from version 6.6D):

  • COMpact 4000
  • COMpact 5000/5000R
  • COMmander 6000/6000R(X)

Supported by the following IP systemphones (from version 2.6B):

  • COMfortel 1400IP
  • COMfortel 2600IP
  • COMfortel 3600IP

Technical requirements:

  • Active DHCP server on the network
  • Phones are integrated into the network (e.g. by PoE Switch)
  • Phones are in factory default settings
  • Phones network-settings have been assigned by DHCP


Screenshot of the phone's Zero-Touch-configuration (only displayed in factory default):


  1. Create a VoIP-subscriber
  2. Grant access authorisation to the provisioning file (standard.xml) for the subscriber:
3. Assign the correct MAC-address to the subscriber:
4. When the provisioning-file and MAC-address are assigned to the subscriber the provisioning process of the phone starts. To see whether the process was successful check the status of the internal subscribers in "Monitoring":


The Phone language can be set in the pbx:

Recommended action for systems possibly affected by hacker attacks:

  1. Deactivate all port forwarding to the ICT system!
  2. Check the log and make sure that the logins are traceable
  3. Change the username, PIN and admin password
  4. Check whether there are newly created sub-admins, users, participants or groups and change the passwords
  5. Change passwords for public VoIP providers
  6. Check call deflection


Check the following points for all profiles and properties (users, participants, groups, etc.):

  1. Check the dialling privileges
  2. Check parallel call
  3. Check call deflections
  4. Check voicemail boxes, check activation of remote control and change PINs
  5. Check the deputy functions of the voicemail boxes and the registered destinations
  6. Check Follow-Me settings


Check other configurations:

  1. Check whether remote access by telephone (switching functions remotely by telephone) is active. Change PINs or, if unused, switch them off
  2. Check automatic reception, check activation and registered destinations
  3. Check FMC/call through functions, check users and dialling privileges
  4. Check entries in the IP release list


When using Auerswald IP system telephones with integrated voicemail:

  1. Check the access data, change the password
  2. Check the destinations for call deflections
  3. Check the voicemail boxes, check activation of remote control and change PINs


PBX firmware 8.2 or newer

  • COMpact 4000
  • COMpact 5x00(R)
  • COMmander 6000
  • COMtrexx firmware 1.6.1 or newer

COMfortel WS-500x firmware 2.48 or newer

  • Alarm-Messaging or Alarm-Messaging-Location Licences in the DECT Manager

To use the alarm-messaging or alarm-messaging-location features, the provisioning file for the COMfortel IP DECT system must be supplemented in the telephone system.

Switching on the function:

<!-Switch on alarm messaging and location for all handsets--->.

  <oper name="set_hs_aml" value="@">
   <param name="LocationAML" value="1"/>
   <param name="MessagingAML" value="1"/>


<!-- for individual handsets -->

  <oper name="set_hs_aml" value="IPUI des Handsets">
   <param name="LocationAML" value="1"/>
   <param name="MessagingAML" value="1"/>

Activate alarm server certificate:

  <oper name="set_uci">
   <param name="mosquitto.listener.enabled" value="1" />

Release of the ring tones in the COMfortel DECT handset:

  <settings version="1.0" productID="e2">
   <param name="AmlGlobal.0.HottestAlertNameHigh" value="High prio"/>
   <param name="AmlGlobal.0.HottestAlertNameMid" value="Medium prio"/>
   <param name="AmlGlobal.0.HottestAlertNameLow" value="Low prio "/>

If SIP text messages are to be displayed (e.g. with the call systems GIRA 834 Plus and Hospicall P3 or P7), the following must be added:

<!-- Set display name, priority, display duration, message memory duration and ringtone. -->

   <param name="SipProvider.0.AML_TitleText" value="GIRA Rufsystem"/>
   <param name="SipProvider.0.AML_Prio" value="3"/>
   <param name="SipProvider.0.AML_PresentationTimer" value="10"/>
   <param name="SipProvider.0.AML_TTL" value="3600"/>
   <param name="SipProvider.0.AML_AlertInfo" value="msg_melody_mid"/>

Assigning the AM and AML licenses

Download PDF (German) for setting up the messaging interfaces for the COMfortel® IP-DECT system and the COMfortel® D series via COMtrexx® autoprovisioning

Due to ever-increasing IT security requirements and new specifications from providers, Auerswald cannot guarantee that all telephones from other manufacturers can be put into operation and used permanently with the full range of functions. Especially with older third-party telephones, which no longer receive firmware updates from the respective manufacturer, functions can only be supported to a limited extent or not at all.

Workaround for the COMfortel IP-DECT system

With firmware 2.53 the number of AM and AML licenses present in the COMfortel IP DECT system is checked. If no licenses or less licenses than handsets are active in the system, in rare cases an error message appears in the handsets after some time. In addition, this instruction saves the manual assignment of AM and AML licenses to the handsets in the DECT Manager.
You can remedy this with this workaround:
Please create a new template for COMfortel WS-500 in the phone system. Then click on Edit.
In the provisioning file, search for „<!—Enable AML for all connected handsets".

Change these parameters:

<param name="LocationAML" value="0"/>
<param name="MessagingAML" value="0"/>

In the PBX, assign the provisioning file to the DECT manager. Perform provisioning. Open the provisioning file again.

Now the tag must be commented out:
Please cut out „-->“ in the first line.

<!-- Enable AML for all connected handsets -->
<oper name="set_hs_aml" value="$(m5x0.ipui)">
   <param name="LocationAML" value="0"/>
   <param name="MessagingAML" value="0"/>

And add at the end of the tag

<!-- Enable AML for all connected handsets
<oper name="set_hs_aml" value="$(m5x0.ipui)">
   <param name="LocationAML" value="0"/>
   <param name="MessagingAML" value="0"/>

Perform provisioning.

Subsequently, in the DECT Manager under

Settings -> Handsets

Edit the appropriate handsets and enable and save messaging:

Messaging -> Yes


Setting up the alarm-messaging or alarm-messaging-location function via provisioning


  • PBX Call Assist ab Version 5
  • .net Framework ab Version 4.8 am UCServer
  • PBX Call Assist 5 UCServer mit Internetzugriff zu Microsoft Diensten wie und
  • Ab Office 365 E3 mit Teams, oder vergleichbar
  • Zugriff auf Azure Active Directory
  • Übereinstimmung der Benutzer in der UCServer Verwaltung und im Azure Active Directory.
  • API Berechtigungen im Unternehmen (tenant), zu gewähren sind (Admin und User consent) für die Integration PBX Call Assist 5 in Teams
  • admin consent: Zustimmung erforderlich zum Schreiben von Präsenzen
  • user consent: Zustimmung erforderlich zum Lesen von Präsenzen


  • Installation von PBX Call Assist 5 als Neuinstallation oder Update
  • Tenant-ID im Microsoft Azure Portal auslesen
  • Im Azure Portal „User consent und Admin consent“ zulassen
  • UCServer Verwaltung öffnen > Services > Integration in MS Teams

Aktivieren Sie die Funktion und tragen Sie die Microsoft Teams Tenant ID ein.

Erteilen Sie nach dem Login die Zustimmung des Benutzers und Administrators:

Hinweis: Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei Passwortänderungen oder für ein abgelaufenes Passwort des Administrator- oder Benutzerkontos, welches für den Admin oder User Consent verwendet wurde, die Berechtigung im UCServer erneut ausgestellt werden muss, um die Funktionalität sicherzustellen.

Bereitstellung der APP:
Im PBX Call Assist 5 Installationspaket finden Sie im Unterordner "MS-Teams" die PBX Call Assist 5 Manifestdatei "". Diese kann vom Administrator im Microsoft Teams Admin Center hochgeladen werden und installiert die aktuellste Call Assist App für Microsoft Teams

Nutzung in Microsoft Teams:
Nachdem die PBX Call Assist App für Microsoft Teams vom Administrator im Microsoft Teams Admin Center freigegeben wurde, steht die App allen Mitarbeitern der Organisation im Microsoft Teams App Store unter "Für Ihre Organisation entwickelt" zur Verfügung und kann einfach zum Microsoft Teams Client hinzugefügt werden:

Der Benutzer meldet sich mit seinen Benutzerdaten (UCServer) an.

Die Service URL entspricht der Adresse des UCServers im Netzwerk. Verwenden Sie http://localhost:7225

Danach steht die PBX Call Assist App dem Nutzer zur Verfügung:

In principle, PBX Call Assist 5 can still be used. However, if the software assurance is not extended, the scope of features will be significantly limited: neither the Microsoft Teams app nor the latest versions of the mobile apps will be useable. In addition, systems without software assurance do not receive bug fixes and security updates, and there is no access to subsequent releases with new functions.

Creating an SD card for the Auerswald PBX operating system from an SD card image in Windows

  1. Connect an SDHC card reader to your PC. Wait for the driver to be installed.
  2. Have a 4 GB SDHC card ready. We expressly recommend using a new SDHC card to avoid any hardware problems with the existing card. The card should be a high-quality card for industrial use. We recommend the following brands for this:
    Swissbit, Transcend, Cactus, Apro, Delkin Industrial, ATP
  3. Upload the relevant Auerswald image file to your PC as a ZIP file.

    Here is the download for:

    COMmander 6000

  4. Installing the USB Image Tool program

    You need the "USB Image Tool" program from Heise website:

    Extract the program to a suitable folder on your hard disk (e.g. c:\USBImageTool)
  5. Run the program

    Open the folder and right-click on USB Image Tool.exe and select "Run as administrator". Select "Device Mode" at the top left. Insert the 4GB SDHC card in the card reader and click Rescan

Select the card reader:

Now click Restore:

Select the previously saved image file and click Open:

Confirm the following dialogue with Yes:

 The image will now be written to the SD card. Wait until the green progress bar reaches 100%.

Remove the SD card. Switch the write-protect switch on the SD card to the lock position: Lock

You can now use the card in the PBX.


Preparing the PBX for Remote Access

  • Activate "Enable dealer access via internet" in "Settings -> Remote Configuration" on the PBX.
  • If using method 2 you also have to define a remote switching number as well as an external PIN.

Registering the PBX in ARA

  • Go to "Registrierte TK-Anlagen" (registered PBXs)
  • Press the "+"-symbol to register a new PBX.
  • Enter at least the serial number, a name and the type of PBX of which you want to access.

Activating remote access

Method 1: Activation by any internal phone

  • Tell your customer to dial the following sequence on any internal phone:  ##8 Admin-PIN | Subadmin-PIN | Benutzer-PIN * 91 # (example: ##8 471208* 91 #)
  • Click the refresh- (next to the "+"-symbol) and then the "Verbinden" (connect)-button in ARA.

Method 2: Activation by the dealer from a distance

  • Dial the previously configured remote switching number from any external phone.
  • After the switching tone enter the following sequence: ##8 external PIN * 91 # (example: ##8 471108* 91 #)
  • Click the refresh- (next to the "+"-symbol) and then the "Verbinden" (connect)-button in ARA.

Data privacy

Auerswald takes the protection of personal data very seriously. Please read the internet privacy statement and the general terms and conditions.


Extension possibilities (point system)

The maximum number of individual modules can be calculated using the following table. Each module has a value and can be used in the COMmander 6000 at a defined frequency. The sum of all values must not exceed the maximum value of 188.

Score points of the module
ModultypScore pointsmax. number in expansion
COMmander 8/16VoIP(-R) Module164
COMmander VMF(-R) Module161
COMmander S2M(-R) Module321
COMmander 4S0(-R) Module (for variant 6000RX)85 (12)
COMmander 8S0(-R) Module (for variant 6000RX)164 (9)
COMmander 8UP0(-R) Module (for variant 6000RX)164 (9)
COMmander 8a/b(-R) Module (for variant 6000RX)84 (8)
COMmander 2TSM(-R) Module / 4 points per module44


COMmander 6000 with 2x COMmander 8S0 module (2*16 points = 32 points) and 1x COMmander VMF module (16 points).

With this extension 32+16=48 points are achieved. 140 points can still be used. Here, however, the max. module extension of 5 modules should be considered additionally.


The following SD cards were tested and released for the COMmander VMF module:


Producer Capacity Type description
High-quality SD cards in the consumer class
SanDisk4 GBUltra 4.0 GB 15 R MB/s, 7W MB/s Class 6
Typ: SDSDAB-004G
Transcend4 GBPremium 4GB 133X SDHC Class 10
SD cards of the industry class
ATP Electronic, Inc.4 GBIndustrial Grade SD/SDHC
CACTUS Technologies4 GBIndustrial Grade SD Card
Typ: KS4GRT-806
CACTUS Technologies8 GBIndustrial Grade SD Card
Typ: KS8GRT-806
Swissbit4 GBS-210 Series SDHC Memory Card - Class 6
Typ: SFSD4096LvBN2SA-t-dd-111-STD

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- the easy way to the right system

Customer requirements for communication solutions are constantly increasing and with them the complexity and scalability of ITC systems. Project planning therefore takes up more and more time. Here, the free Sales Configurator offers a simple and fast solution. It gives you the opportunity to efficiently plan communication solutions and create project planning proposals.

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