

Whether in a waiting room, supermarket or shopping arcade - with the a/b audio box, public address systems can be coupled quickly and easily with almost any ITC system. If desired, it is also possible to have the announcement signified by a signal tone.


LanguagesCurrent version
Instructions a/b Switching Module V03 10/2020 PDF
Operation Guide V03 10/2020 PDF
V03 10/2020 PDF
Setup Guide V03 10/2020 PDF
CE-Declaration V05 08/2023 PDF

Instructions a/b Switching Module

Safety information

Note about qualified electrician complemented.

Note about door bell transformer complemented. Note about inflammable materials deleted.

Technical Data

Operating voltage: Values changed

Contact load capacity: Values changed

Several editiorial changes

Operation Guide

Important Information

Safety information: Note about qualified electrician complemented

Safety information: Note about a/b switching module instructions complemented Replaces partly outdated safety instructions and technical data.

Safety information: Note about children complemented

Safety information: Note about power supply complemented

Technical Data>Contact load capacity: Values changed


Extending the Connections with a/b Switching Modules: Note about a/b switching module instructions complemented Replaces partly outdated safety instructions and technical data.

Several editiorial changes

Setup Guide

Safety information

Note about qualified electrician complemented

Note about a/b switching module instructions complemented

Note about children complemented

Note about power supply complemented

Technical Data

Contact load capacity: Values changed

Several editiorial changes

Instructions replace Set-up guide