Success Stories

Well cared for thanks to Auerswald

The new secure and intuitive communication system in the care sector

In “Seniorenresidenz Stiemerling” a retirement home in Königslutter (Lower Saxony), the intuitive COMtrexx Health Care solution from Auerswald is setting new standards. Patients, management and staff benefit from the modern IP system with numerous clever security features and a user-friendly interface. The switch to the new soft PBX could even be made without any problems during ongoing care operations.

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Spedition Wandt relies on COMtrexx

COMtrexx portfolio supports business growth

Wandt Spedition Transportberatung GmbH has made its communication processes fit for the future. The Braunschweig-based family business is now using the COMtrexx VM soft PBX from ICT specialist Auerswald. Important components of the communication solution are the integration of smartphones and the connection of alternating workstations. This increases the company's efficiency and flexibility.

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Changing lanes with Auerswald

Mecklenburgische Bäderbahn Molli receives new telephony solution

Against the background of the upcoming All-IP changeover with the associated termination of the old connections, the Mecklenburgische Bäderbahn Molli GmbH needed a completely new ITC infrastructure. The operator of the Molli Bahn relied on an Auerswald telephony solution that ensures convenient operation and cross-location internal communication.

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Did you know?

The first public mobile radio system for telephony (A network) in West Germany was created in 1958. By 1968 we had 80% coverage in what was then the Federal Republic of Germany. The B network came in 1972 and the A network was still in operation until 1977.

What our customers say

Our customers come from a wide variety of industries and some have very special requirements. We always ask what made them choose Auerswald and our services, we use this to drive our development and services goals. We are very happy about the exceptional positive feedback we get - which in turns motivates our team to continually improve our services.

We have put together a small selection as an example:

Friend-Chip GbR

"Hallo liebes Auerswald-Team, hier mal ein Sonderlob: Genau der richtige Newsletter zur richtigen Zeit."

Special newsletter from KW13 / 2020

Subject: Home Office

... the topic of home office is increasingly in focus when it comes to customer telephony. Due to the current events, this option is becoming increasingly important for businesses and their teams.

NiMax GmbH & Co. KG

„Meine Kunden begeistert vor allem der große Funktionsumfang der Auerswald Systeme.“

Top service is the priority of  company owner, Max Niggemeyer. In order to make the ICT and telecommunications solutions of his customers an efficient part of every day work, he has trusted in the high quality products from Auerswald for a long time.

Schmitz Büro- und Datentechnik

„Um permanent auf dem neusten Stand zu sein, lassen wir immer mindestens zwei Techniker gleichzeitig durch Auerswald schulen.“

SBT supports small and medium-sized companies with all requirements relating to computers, printers, copiers and office equipment. When it comes to communication solutions, the Düsseldorf based company has also relied on Auerswald for a long time because of our focused training courses.


„Wir legen generell großen Wert auf ökologische Aspekte, daher gefällt uns der Stromsparmechanismus der Auerswald Telefone besonders gut.“

Ratiotherm offers stratified storage tanks made in Bavaria. The principles of ecological efficiency apply not only to our own products, but also to the company's technical infrastructure. A PBX from Auerswald came into play due to the fact that the four external branches were fully integrated into the central voicemail and fax system.

Hörz Garten-Technik

„Aufgrund der wesentlich flexibleren Technik der Auerswald Systeme haben wir uns von unserer Hicom-Anlage der Telekom verabschiedet.“

For over 20 years, Hörz has been a competent contact for garden professionals and garden enthusiasts who look for professional advice when purchasing garden equipment, and then after service. This includes quickly getting through to the right contact within the company.

HSA Schuhmacher Antriebstechnik

„Bei unserer Entscheidung für ein COMfortel IP-DECT-System gaben der schnelle Rufaufbau und die glasklare Sprachqualität den Ausschlag.“

The HSA, specialist for drive, electrical, automation and welding technology, is proud to be available to its customers around the clock. A pre-requisite for this is a fail-safe telephone system that enables interference-free communication on the approx. 7,000 m2 operating area.

Holzbau Aumann

„Auf die schnelle Hilfestellung durch den kompetenten Auerswald Partner hier vor Ort ist immer Verlass.“

Whether roof renovation or expansion, top-up or complete house - all services and products that Aumann offers revolve around the oldest building material on earth - wood. Quality is the top priority for the master team of carpenters and roofers - this also applies when choosing a new telephone system.

Plischka Möbeltransporte / Logistik

„Vier Jahre störungsfreier Betrieb und die Möglichkeit der gruppenspezifischen Rufverteilung – wir sind vom COMmander restlos begeistert.“

"Movement is creative" - this has been the  motto of the PLISCHKA logistics group since 1948, the property of its' customers. Over 300 employees work at seven locations in Germany. Since the communication system had to adapt exactly to the structure and logistics of the processes, Auerswald was quickly chosen.

Buchmich GmbH

„Die Modularität unseres COMmander ermöglichte bereits einige Erweiterungen. Als hilfreich hat sich dabei auch der Remote Access durch Auerswald bewährt.“

“Buch Mich” has been working as a personnel service provider for various media companies for ten years and with the customer base, the company has grown steadily. Nevertheless, with "Book me" you are far from thinking of changing the telephone system.

Phönix Sonnenwärme AG

„Die Systeme von Auerswald sind optimal auf unsere Wünsche eingestellt und können je nach Bedarf schnell und einfach erweitert oder angepasst werden.“

Successfully established on the market for many years, PHÖNIX SonnenWärme AG from Berlin offers solar thermal system solutions and individual components. These are known for their reliability and adaptability - no less expected of the communication solution.

Direktwerbung Bayern GmbH

„Dank den intelligenten Features unseres Telekommunikationssystems konnten wir sogar unsere Produktivität steigern.“

Direct advertisor, Bavaria, knows how important it is to bring information closer to the target group, quickly and without detours to the consumer. The telephone system should be just as professional and reliable - this is where Auerswald came into play.