
COMfortel® WS-500S

The COMfortel WS-500S is the DECT single cell system that enables up to 20 handsets to seamlessly connect, handover and roam around your business. It is fully digital with the highest level of security giving you piece of mind that your calls and data are secure.


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V2.61.0 (Stable) | 27.01.2025
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LanguagesCurrent version
Statements of conformity V04 01/2025 PDF
Open source licenses COMfortel WS-500 V2.61.0 Online
Site Planning and Measurement Guide, Instructions Measurement Case V01 09/2019 PDF
Instructions V05 01/2022 PDF


General Information

Instructions for COMfortel WS-500S/500M from firmware version 2.39

Changed descriptions

Declaration of conformity: manufacturer and website added

Several editiorial changes



PBX firmware 8.2 or newer

  • COMpact 4000
  • COMpact 5x00(R)
  • COMmander 6000
  • COMtrexx firmware 1.6.1 or newer

COMfortel WS-500x firmware 2.48 or newer

  • Alarm-Messaging or Alarm-Messaging-Location Licences in the DECT Manager

To use the alarm-messaging or alarm-messaging-location features, the provisioning file for the COMfortel IP DECT system must be supplemented in the telephone system.

Switching on the function:

<!-Switch on alarm messaging and location for all handsets--->.

  <oper name="set_hs_aml" value="@">
   <param name="LocationAML" value="1"/>
   <param name="MessagingAML" value="1"/>


<!-- for individual handsets -->

  <oper name="set_hs_aml" value="IPUI des Handsets">
   <param name="LocationAML" value="1"/>
   <param name="MessagingAML" value="1"/>

Activate alarm server certificate:

  <oper name="set_uci">
   <param name="mosquitto.listener.enabled" value="1" />

Release of the ring tones in the COMfortel DECT handset:

  <settings version="1.0" productID="e2">
   <param name="AmlGlobal.0.HottestAlertNameHigh" value="High prio"/>
   <param name="AmlGlobal.0.HottestAlertNameMid" value="Medium prio"/>
   <param name="AmlGlobal.0.HottestAlertNameLow" value="Low prio "/>

If SIP text messages are to be displayed (e.g. with the call systems GIRA 834 Plus and Hospicall P3 or P7), the following must be added:

<!-- Set display name, priority, display duration, message memory duration and ringtone. -->

   <param name="SipProvider.0.AML_TitleText" value="GIRA Rufsystem"/>
   <param name="SipProvider.0.AML_Prio" value="3"/>
   <param name="SipProvider.0.AML_PresentationTimer" value="10"/>
   <param name="SipProvider.0.AML_TTL" value="3600"/>
   <param name="SipProvider.0.AML_AlertInfo" value="msg_melody_mid"/>

Assigning the AM and AML licenses

Download PDF (German) for setting up the messaging interfaces for the COMfortel® IP-DECT system and the COMfortel® D series via COMtrexx® autoprovisioning

Workaround for the COMfortel IP-DECT system

With firmware 2.53 the number of AM and AML licenses present in the COMfortel IP DECT system is checked. If no licenses or less licenses than handsets are active in the system, in rare cases an error message appears in the handsets after some time. In addition, this instruction saves the manual assignment of AM and AML licenses to the handsets in the DECT Manager.
You can remedy this with this workaround:
Please create a new template for COMfortel WS-500 in the phone system. Then click on Edit.
In the provisioning file, search for „<!—Enable AML for all connected handsets".

Change these parameters:

<param name="LocationAML" value="0"/>
<param name="MessagingAML" value="0"/>

In the PBX, assign the provisioning file to the DECT manager. Perform provisioning. Open the provisioning file again.

Now the tag must be commented out:
Please cut out „-->“ in the first line.

<!-- Enable AML for all connected handsets -->
<oper name="set_hs_aml" value="$(m5x0.ipui)">
   <param name="LocationAML" value="0"/>
   <param name="MessagingAML" value="0"/>

And add at the end of the tag

<!-- Enable AML for all connected handsets
<oper name="set_hs_aml" value="$(m5x0.ipui)">
   <param name="LocationAML" value="0"/>
   <param name="MessagingAML" value="0"/>

Perform provisioning.

Subsequently, in the DECT Manager under

Settings -> Handsets

Edit the appropriate handsets and enable and save messaging:

Messaging -> Yes


Setting up the alarm-messaging or alarm-messaging-location function via provisioning

COMfortel WS-500S Initial Commissioning without Provisioning.
Device role (Integrator+DECT Manager+Base station)
Switch on the device. After booting, it fetches its network settings via DHCP.
Calling the WS-500S IP address. Setting the language to English. Default access with username: admin and password: admin
You are prompted to change the password. The password should include: » at least 1 capital letter » at least 1 number » at least 1 special character » between 8 and 74 characters:
Select the DECT frequency band for Europe:
You can select Network > IP/LAN to modify the network settings:
Create a PBX profile:
Enter a name for the PBX profile and enter a domain:
Creating a user and registering handsets:
Select Mobile devices > Administration and click on the Add button:
Set the RegStatus to "to register", then enter the authentication name and username (internal number), and also the SCR password:
he user is then available for registration:
Registering a handset:
Switch on the handset and press "Register". Then enter the previously defined PIN. If registration is successful, the status changes to WS-500S.
(Caution, this requires a manual refresh!)
Configuring LDAP: Click on the pencil icon next to LDAP1 under Online telephone books:
Enter the telephone book name and click on the checkbox next to "Enable directory".
- Enter the PBX's IP address as the server address.
- Enter the LDAP Search base (BaseDN)
- Enter the Username, e.g. cn=auerswaldschandelah,dc=auerswald
- Enter the LDAP server password
Telephone book entry configuration:
First name: givenName
Last name: sn
Private telephone: homePhone
Office telephone:telephoneNumber
Mobile telephone: mobile
You can now assign the LDAP telephone book to the subscriber:
To do this, select Mobile devices > Administration > Edit. Then, under LDAP Authentication, select the required LDAP telephone book.
This completes basic configuration."

Important: Do not connect the base station to the local network (LAN) until you have completed Step 4. Provisioning cannot be initiated automatically if the base station is connected before then.

  1. Use the MAC address (label on the rear side of the device) to set up a base station (page Subscriber (Scr.) > COMfortel WS-500X) in the PBX for the COMfortel WS-500S or the COMfortel WS-500M, with its future device role as "DECT Manager and Integrator".
  2. Set up a subscriber in the PBX for every handset that has the device type COMfortel M-5x0. You need to know the handset's IPUI (page Subscriber (Scr) > Phone numbers). You can find out the handset's IPUI by reading it on the handset (press the control key and enter *#06#) or on the packaging label.
  3. Assign a base station to each subscriber (page Subscriber (Scr.) > COMfortel WS-500X > COMfortel M-5x0).
  4. Create a provisioning file for the COMfortel WS-500 device type in the PBX and assign a base station to this file. If the provisioning file is already present, you may need to assign a base station (page Subscriber (Scr.) > IP provisioning > File management).
  5. Use the LAN cable to connect the base station to the network and wait until the boot procedure has finished.
  6. Only COMfortel WS-500M: To set up a multi-cell system, set up the "DECT Manager and Integrator" device role directly on the base station itself.
  7. The base station then boots again and the provisioning file is automatically transferred from the PBX to the base station, to configure the device.
  8. The base station remains in Registration mode for one hour once the provisioning process has successfully finished. During this time, you can register the handset on the base station ("Settings > Registration > Register Handset" on the handset).

Note: If LDAP is set up and selected, the provisioning process copies the PBX telephone book (also called a "directory") to the template in all the handsets.

When installing DECT base stations, the following must be taken into account: 
Always mount base stations on interior walls for radio coverage within the building.
The optimum mounting height of a base station is between 1.8 and 3 m, depending on the room height. If you mount the base stations lower, interference from furniture or moving objects may occur. A minimum distance of 0.50 m from the ceiling should be maintained.
It is recommended that all base stations be mounted at the same height.
Do not mount the base station in false ceilings, cupboards or other enclosed fixtures. Depending on the materials used, this can significantly reduce radio coverage.
The base station should be mounted vertically.
The location and orientation of the installed base station should be identical to the position considered optimal for measurement.
Avoid the immediate vicinity of cable ducts, metal cabinets and other large metal parts. These can reduce radiation and introduce interference signals. You should keep a minimum distance of 50 cm.

You can use different ringtones to identify internal and external calls.
You can also assign individual ringtones to contacts. (VIP function on handset)
No, repeaters are not available for this system.


You need a firmware version 7.8A or newer AND a DECT base firmware 2.26.0 or higher to uses this

In Firmware versions prior to 7.8A the priovisioning file do not contain the necessary information to
enable distincgge ringing.
Starting with version 7.8A-000 the file contains information, but the information is disabled by default to
avoid errors and warnings while provisioning a WS500x base with a firmware version older than V2.26.0.

To enable this feature you have to:

  • update your provisioning file by creating a new one and change the to use the new file for the provisioning of your dect base.
  • change the follwingpart of the configuration file:

You can now store your new configuration file. This will automatically trigger the provisioning
After successfull provisioning, you have to re-register all of your handsets . Only now the new
ringtone settings are shown in the menu of the handset. You can have to manually choose your
favorite ringtone for each calltype on every device.