
COMfortel® 2600 IP

This is how modern office communication works: a combined standard SIP and IP system telephone based on Android™ with a high-resolution 4.3" colour touch display and cloud function. When it comes to functionality and convenience, the COMfortel 2600 IP is the first choice.

With its numerous features, it enables significantly more efficient workflows – and ensures motivated employees and satisfied customers. A future-proof investment that pays for itself.


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2.8J Build 000 (Stable) | 29.11.2024
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LanguagesCurrent version
Privacy Policy V02 10/2024 PDF
Instructions V09 03/2023 PDF
Advanced Information V04 03/2024 Online PDF
V04 03/2024 Online PDF
V04 03/2024 Online PDF
V04 03/2024 Online PDF
V04 03/2024 Online PDF
V06 03/2024 Online PDF
V09 03/2024 Online PDF
V09 03/2024 Online PDF
V05 12/2020 Online PDF
V03 12/2020 Online PDF
V03 12/2020 Online PDF
V03 12/2020 Online PDF
V03 12/2020 Online PDF
V03 12/2020 Online PDF
Quick Guide 03 01/2017 PDF
Labelling template for direct dialling keys (white background) V1 PDF
Labelling template for direct dialling keys (black background) V1 PDF
Advisory ID: Auerswald-COMfortel-Webinterface-20210910 V1.0 PDF
Statements of conformity V06 10/2022 PDF
Statements of conformity COMfortel Xtension300 V07 10/2022 PDF


General Information

Manual for COMfortel 2600 IP as of firmware version 2.8

Several editiorial changes

Advanced Information

General Information

Instructions for COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP as of firmware version 2.8

Changed descriptions

Exchange ActiveSync

Support for Exchange ActiveSnyc has been discontinued and the descriptions have been removed from the instructions.

Advanced Information


Outgoing calls > Options for outgoing calls: Description revised


Pick-Up > Function key for pick-up: Description revised

Voice mailboxes on the PBX

Voice mailbox: Note on the priorities of voice mailboxes and local answering machines revised

Statements of conformity

- EN 55032:2015/A11:2020 replaces EN 55032:2015+AC:2016-07
- EN55035:2017/A11:2020 replaces EN 55024:2010

Statements of conformity COMfortel Xtension300

- EN 55032:2015/A11:2020 supersedes EN 55032:2015
- EN55035:2017/A11:2020 replaces EN 55024:2010

Privacy Policy

For COMfortel® 1400 IP / 2600 IP / 3600 IP

For the following firmware:

  • V2.8F (008)


  • German
  • English
  • French


Recommended action for systems possibly affected by hacker attacks:

  1. Deactivate all port forwarding to the ICT system!
  2. Check the log and make sure that the logins are traceable
  3. Change the username, PIN and admin password
  4. Check whether there are newly created sub-admins, users, participants or groups and change the passwords
  5. Change passwords for public VoIP providers
  6. Check call deflection


Check the following points for all profiles and properties (users, participants, groups, etc.):

  1. Check the dialling privileges
  2. Check parallel call
  3. Check call deflections
  4. Check voicemail boxes, check activation of remote control and change PINs
  5. Check the deputy functions of the voicemail boxes and the registered destinations
  6. Check Follow-Me settings


Check other configurations:

  1. Check whether remote access by telephone (switching functions remotely by telephone) is active. Change PINs or, if unused, switch them off
  2. Check automatic reception, check activation and registered destinations
  3. Check FMC/call through functions, check users and dialling privileges
  4. Check entries in the IP release list


When using Auerswald IP system telephones with integrated voicemail:

  1. Check the access data, change the password
  2. Check the destinations for call deflections
  3. Check the voicemail boxes, check activation of remote control and change PINs

This FAQ describes the simple first setup of Auerswald VoIP systemphones by using zero-touch configuration thus setting the phone's provider and account configuration by the PBX (basic provisioning).

Supported by the following PBXs (from version 6.6D):

  • COMpact 4000
  • COMpact 5000/5000R
  • COMmander 6000/6000R(X)

Supported by the following IP systemphones (from version 2.6B):

  • COMfortel 1400IP
  • COMfortel 2600IP
  • COMfortel 3600IP

Technical requirements:

  • Active DHCP server on the network
  • Phones are integrated into the network (e.g. by PoE Switch)
  • Phones are in factory default settings
  • Phones network-settings have been assigned by DHCP


Screenshot of the phone's Zero-Touch-configuration (only displayed in factory default):


  1. Create a VoIP-subscriber
  2. Grant access authorisation to the provisioning file (standard.xml) for the subscriber:
3. Assign the correct MAC-address to the subscriber:
4. When the provisioning-file and MAC-address are assigned to the subscriber the provisioning process of the phone starts. To see whether the process was successful check the status of the internal subscribers in "Monitoring":


The Phone language can be set in the pbx:

The transmission path from the system to the mail server / mail provider is usually encrypted using SSL/TLS.
Encryption of mail and attachments up to the recipient of the mail (end-to-end encryption) is not possible.


Files that you send us may be subject to data protection. Please make sure that the legal requirements are met.

A lot of information, which data might be included in the logs, you can get directly in the Auerswald-System (current products).

I have my own data server, through which I would like to make the files available

  • Simply provide us with the link to the files.

I do not have my own data server, where I can make the files available

  • Get in touch with us. You will receive a link to a separate Onedrive folder
  • Upload your files via the link.
  • We will add the data to your ticket and delete it from the Onedrive folder.


Your data, which we receive from you for processing the ticket, is stored in our ticket system on our own servers in our company.

With the update to OpenVPN 2.6, the obsolete `cipher` option has been removed.
If your OpenVPN client configuration no longer works, try replacing the `cipher` parameter with `data-ciphers` in your file.

Try the following change in the configuration file:

Replace the line:

cipher AES-256-CBC

with the following three lines:

#cipher AES-256-CBC
data-ciphers AES-256-CBC:AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM:CHACHA20-POLY1305
data-ciphers-fallback AES-256-CBC

Restart the VPN on the phone.

If the VPN still does not work, further measures may be necessary on the client and/or server side.
In this case, talk to your system administrator.

Translated with (free version)

Storage specifications (USB stick, SD-card)




Devicemax. storage capacitymin. write speedmin. read speedmin. number of write cyclesfilesystem format
COMpact 300016 GB4 MByte/sec6 MByte/sec1M.FAT/FAT32
COMpact 400016 GB6 MByte/sec9 MByte/sec2M.FAT/FAT32 (will be reformatted to EXT4 by the system)
COMpact 500016 GB6 MByte/sec9 MByte/sec2M.FAT/FAT32 (will be reformatted to EXT4 by the system)
COMpact 50x0 VoIP16 GB6 MByte/sec9 MByte/sec2M.FAT/FAT32
COMmander 6000 without VMF-module16 GB6 MByte/sec9 MByte/sec2M.FAT/FAT32 (will be reformatted to EXT4 by the system)


Devicemax. storage capacitymin. write speedmin. read speedmin. number of write cyclesfilesystem format
COMfortel VoIP 2500 AB4 GB4 MByte/sec6 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 320032 GB2 MByte/sec2 MByte/sec10.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 350032 GB2 MByte/sec2 MByte/sec10.000FAT/FAT32



Devicemax. storage capacitymin. write speedmin. read speedmin. number of write cyclesfilesystem format
COMpact 300016 GB5 MByte/sec8 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMpact 4000SD-card is embedded and cannot be replaced by the user.
COMpact 5000SD-card is embedded and cannot be replaced by the user.
COMmander 6000 ohne VMF-ModulSD-card is embedded and cannot be replaced by the user.
VMF-Modul16 GB9 MByte/sec15 MByte/sec4M.FAT/FAT32


Devicemax. storage capacitymin. write speedmin. read speedmin. number of write cyclesfilesystem format
COMfortel 1400 (MicroSD)16 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 1400 IP (MicroSD)16 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 25004 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT
COMfortel 260016 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 2600 IP16 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 320016 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 350016 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32
COMfortel 3600 IP16 GB3 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec200.000FAT/FAT32


Devicemax. storage capacitymin write speedmin. read speedmin. number of write cyclesfilesystem format
WG-6404 GB2 MByte/sec3 MByte/sec2.000.000FAT/FAT32


Info for using 16GB SD-cards:

Please note that the device's operating speed can get reduced due to the larger storage size.

In this case it is recommend to format the SD-card to 4GB with a PC.


Since it is not possible to setup function keys for listening or recording announcements for a voicemailbox on systemphones, the PBX's programming sequence must be used (or via menu on IP-systemphones).
Sequence for listening to an annoucement:

##8 [admin-, subadmin-, subscriber-PIN] *576 [number of announcement 0-9 (0=10)] [int. number of the voicemailbox]  # [playback of the announcement]
Sequence for recording a new annoucement:
##8 [admin-, subadmin-, subscriber-PIN] *566 [number of announcement 0-9 (0=10)] [int. number of the voicemailbox] * [switching tone] * [start recording] # [stop recording] [playback of the new announcement]
The internal number of the voicemailbox must be entered according to the setting "direct exchange line" with/without preceding **.
If using the function "system-wide automatic exchange line request" (from firmware 6.6B), only the internal number is entered.
The function keys on systemphones can be set up with a macro-function, to let the phone dial the programming sequence on its own.
Macro-keys for listening and recording can e.g. be set up as follows (PIN = 385385 / announcement = 2 / VMB number = 8866):
When pressing the key for recording a new annoucement, the *-key to start the recording und afterwards the #-key to stop the recording must be entered manually.

Example COMfortel ISDN:
Example COMfortel VoIP:
Yes, the Excel-templates are available to download for the folloging phones:
COMfortel 1600, 2600, 2600 IP, 3600 IP, 3200, 3500 and Xtension 300.  ->   Download
COMfortel 600, 1200, 1400, 1200 IP, 1400 IP.  ->   Download

Which IP cameras have been successfully tested by us?

Overview IP cameras

Successfully tested IP door terminals/IP cameras:


ManufacturerTested cameraLink for downloading the pictureDefault-IPDefault access dataTested
firmware version
2N- EntryCOM IP Variohttp://IP address of the camera/enu/camera640x480.jpgDHCPuser: admin
password: 2n

2N offers a network scanner to make it easy to find the camera into the network. Via the scanner you have a direct access to the web UI of the camera.
Basic settings:
For COMfortel 3500/COMfortel 3600 IP: Image scale 100%
For COMfortel 1400 IP: Image scale 50%, Full screen, Centre image

 - EntryCom IP Versohttp://IP address of the camera/api/camera/snapshot?width=640&height=480&source=internalDHCPuser: admin
password: 2n

2N offers a network scanner to make it easy to find the camera into the network. Via the scanner you have a direct access to the web UI of the camera.
Basic settings:
For COMfortel 3500/COMfortel 3600 IP: Image scaling in %: 100

- ALL2288V2
- ALL2295V2
- ALL2296V2
- ALL2298
- ALL2299
http://IP address of the camera/cgi-bin/jpg/image.cgi?DHCPuser: admin
password: admin

ALLNET delivers on CD a Tool. With it you can find the camera automatically in the network and the IP address will be displayed.
In the camera are under "Streaming" the following settings neccessary:
Video Resulution:
- MJPEG format 640 x 480 or 800 x 600

 - ALL-CAM23xx - Seriehttp://IP address of the camera/Streaming/channels/1/pictureDHCPuser: admin
password: admin
from version 5.2.0

ALLNET delivers on CD a Tool. With it you can find the camera automatically in the network and the IP address will be displayed.
COMfortel 3500/COMfortel 3600 IP: Image scaling in %: 80
6 frames per second
Setted resolution in the IP cam: 1280 x 720p.

Alphatech- IP Bell 01Chttp://IP address of the camera/video.jpg192.168.1.250user: admin
password: 1234
VoIP version: 2.13 UDV version: 8.0
Axis- A8004-VE
- M1034-W

- M1054
- M3113
- M3204
- M30-Serie
- P13-Serie
- P33-Serie
- Q16-Serie
- Q19-Serie
http://IP address of the camera/jpg/image.jpgDHCPuser: root
password: pass

Axis delivers on CD the tool "AXIS IP Utility". With it you can find the camera automatically in the network and the IP address will be displayed.

 - P55-Serie
- Q60-Serie
http://IP address of the camera/jpg/image.jpgDHCPuser: root
password: pass

Controlable PTZ cameras
The control codes will be programmed when defining the camera. They are usable afterwards during displayed image via directional pad, OK key and +/- keys.
Basic settings:
- For COMfortel 3500/COMfortel 3600 IP: set a resolution of 800 x 450 in the camera
- For COMfortel 3200: set a resolution of 480 x 270 in the camera
- configure 8-9 frames per second in the phone

The following control codes we have tested:
http://User:Password@IP address of the camera/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=Direction
up (press up arrow for up) down (press down arrow for down)
left (press left arrow for left)
right (press right arrow for right) home (press OK key for home position of the camera)

Zooming via the +/- keys
http://User:Password@IP address of the camera/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rzoom=Value
Value between -9999 and 9999 are possible

A documentation of the control codes are available at:

D-Link- DCS-932L
- DCS-942L
http://IP address of the camera/image/jpeg.cgi user: admin
password: keines vergeben

Set the max. resolution of the camera to 640 x 480.
Set the frame rate in the phone to max. 6-7 frames per second.

In order for the live background to display the camera image, a user must be created in the camera and the camera app must be set up with its username and password.

- CBM 300
http://IP address of the camera/mjpg/video.mjpg   
- DS-2CD2xxx-Serie
- DS-2CD4xxx-Serie
http://IP address of the camera/Streaming/channels/1/pictureDHCPuser: admin
password: 12345

COMfortel 3500/COMfortel 3600 IP: Image scaling in %: 80
6 frames per second
Setted resolution in the IP cam: 1280 x 720p

 - DS-2CD6412FWD-10http://IP Adreses der Kamera/Streaming/channels/1/pictureDHCPuser: admin
password: 12345

COMfortel 3500/COMfortel 3600 IP: Image scaling in %: 115
6 frames per second
Setted resolution in the IP cam: 1280 x 720p

INSTAR- IN-2905v1http://IP address of the camera/snapshot.cgiDHCPuser: admin
password: keines vergeben

For COMfortel 3500/COMfortel 3600 IP: Image scaling in %: 85
For COMfortel 3200: Image scaling in %: 48

Level-One- FCS-1060http://IP address of the camera/cgi-bin/video.jpgDHCPkeine 

To find the cameras in the network and for the configuration a CD with the matching tools is included in the scope of supply.
The FCS-1060 is a controlable camera. The control codes will be programmed when defining the camera. They are usable afterwards during displayed image via directional pad, OK key and +/- keys .
(Firmware version 1.8 or higher is required in the telephone)

The following control codes we have tested:
http://IP address of the camera/cgi-bin/camctrl.cgi?move=Direction
up (press up arrow for up)
down (press down arrow for down)
left (press left arrow for left)
right (press right arrow for right)
home (press OK key for default position)

A documentation of the control codes is available at:

According to Level-One the following cameras behave identically and could be used as well:
- FCS-1010/1030/1040/1060
- WCS-2010/2030/2040/2060
- FS-3021
- FCS-5030
- FCS-4010/4020
- FCS-1151
- FCS-7111

 - FCS-1031http://IP address of the camera/cgi-bin/jpg/image.cgi?DHCPuser: root

By default the Level-One cameras get an IP addresse by DHCP out of the network. To find the cameras in the network and for the configuration a CD with the matching tools is included in the scope of supply.

According to Level-One the following cameras behave identically and could be used as well:
- FCS-1141
- FCS-3071
- FCS-3081
- FCS-5051
- FCS-4041

 - FCS-0071http://IP address of the camera/cgi-bin/admin/snapshot.cgiDHCPuser: root

Hint: At frame rates of more than 1 frame per second the camera switches off!

By default the Level-One cameras get an IP addresse by DHCP out of the network. To find the cameras in the network and for the configuration a CD with the matching tools is included in the scope of supply.

According to Level-One the following camera behaves identically and could be used as well:
- FCS-3091

 - FCS-0030http://IP address of the camera/getSnapshot.jpgDHCPuser: admin
password: admin

By default the Level-One cameras get an IP addresse by DHCP out of the network. To find the cameras in the network and for the configuration a CD with the matching tools is included in the scope of supply.

According to Level-One the following cameras behave identically and could be used as well:
- WCS-0030
- FCS-1121
- FCS-3061
- FCS-5041
- FCS-0031
- WCS-6010

 - FCS-0010http://IP address of the camera/img/snapshot.cgi?size=NDHCPuser: administrator

Valid values for N are 1 – 3

By default the Level-One cameras get an IP addresse by DHCP out of the network. To find the cameras in the network and for the configuration a CD with the matching tools is included in the scope of supply.

According to Level-One the following cameras behave identically and could be used as well:
- FCS-0010/0020/0040
- FCS-1091
- WCS-0010/0020/0040
- WCS-1090
- FCS-3031

LogiLink (Edimax)- WC0001B
- WC0002B
http://IP address of the camera/jpg/image.jpg192.168.2.3user: admin
password: 1234

older camera models (WC0002B with WLAN)

- c25
- p25
- T25
- M25
- D25
- Q25
- S15
- M15
- D15
- V15
http://IP address of the camera/record/current.jpg

(with this link only the image can be retrieved)

Earlier MX camera models (i. e. T24, M24, etc.) normally uses the same parameters for pictures.
10.xx.xx.xxuser: admin
password: meinsm

The default IP addresse (an address out of the 10 address range) can be found on a label on the camera.
Using the software MXEasy from Mobotix you can find the cameras directly in the network. Out of MXEasy you can directly access the cameras.
Image skaling at two connected cameras:
max 65% (only with this setting both frames can be displayed side by side in the phone display)
Frame rate:
Max. 6 frames per second

 - i25
- c25
- p25
- T25
- M25
- D25
- Q25
- S15
- M15
- D15
- V15
http://IP address of the camera/cgi-bin/image.jpg

(via this link control information is possible add. to the image)
Earlier MX camera models (i. e. T24, M24, etc.) normally uses the same parameters for pictures.
10.xx.xx.xxuser: admin
password: meinsm

The following codes we have tested:
http://IP address of the camera/cgi-bin/image.jpg?xxx=xxx
camera=left (for the display of the image out of the left camera)
camera=right (for the display of the image out of the right camera)
size=640x480 (for setting the resolution to e.g. 640 x 480 pixel)

The respective control codes can be linked with a "&":
e.g. http://IP address of the camera/cgi-bin/image.jpg?Camera=left&size=640x480

An overview about more possible codes you can find at:
http://IP address of the camera/help/help?cgi-image

Roline- RBOF1-1
- RBOF3-1
- RBOV2-1
- RBOF3-1
- RCIF3-1W
- RBOF2-1W
- RDOF2-1W
- RBOF4-1
- RDOF4-1
http://IP address of the camera/Streaming/channels/1/picture192.0.0.64user: admin
password: 12345
StentofonBaudisch- CP-CAM-Steelhttp://IP address of the camera/jpg/image.jpg192.168.1.180user: admin
password: 1234
TCS- AVU14010-0010
- AVU940x0
http://IP address of the camera/video.jpg192.168.1.250user: admin
password: 1234

When integrating the TCS web cameras in system FBI6110, the following image URL must be used:
user: admin
password: 1234

 - Carus Argoshttp://IP address of the camera/video.jpgDHCPBenutzer: admin
Passwort: 1234
TP-Link- TL-SC3430 http://IP address of the camera/jpg/image.jpg?size=3DHCP  

Using the software "Intelligent IP Installer" from TP-Link you can find the cameras directly in the network. Out of Intelligent Installer you can directly access the cameras for configuration.
For COMfortel 3500/COMfortel 3600 IP:
Image scaling in %: 60
Max. 4 frames per second

Power supply requirements for COMfortel phones


COMfortelBasic unitwith 1 Xtensionwith 2 Xtensionswith 3 Xtensions
600 (analogue)Analogue port of the system 
1200 (ISDN)S0/UP0 port of the system* 
1400 (ISDN)S0/UP0 port of the system* 
1600 (ISDN)S0/UP0 port of the system* 
2600 (ISDN)S0/UP0 port of the system*additional power supply unit (COMfortel XT-PS)
1200 IPPoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 0) 
1400 IPPoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 0) 
2600 IPPoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 0)
3200PoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 0)additional power supply unit (COMfortel XT-PS)
additional power supply unit (COMfortel XT-PS)
3500PoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 0)additional power supply unit(COMfortel XT-PS)
additional power supply unit (COMfortel XT-PS)
3600 IPPoE (IEEE 802.3af, Class 0)additional power supply unit (COMfortel XT-PS)
additional power supply unit (COMfortel XT-PS)additional power supply unit (COMfortel XT-PS)

*per port max. 2 telephones, for COMpact 3000 max. 1 telephone


Since it is not possible to switch group call forwardings via the systemphone's menu or by setting up a system-key, the PBX's programming sequence must be used.

Sequence for enabling unconditional group call forwarding:

##97 [grp.-number] # *21* [target number] #

Sequence for disabling unconditional group call forwarding:

##97 [grp.-number] # #21#

According to the setting "direct exchange line" the group and target number (external/internal) must be entered with the preceding exchange line access number "0" or rather **.

If using the function "system-wide automatic exchange line request" (from firmware 6.6B), only the internal number is entered.

The function keys on systemphones can be set up with a macro-function, to let the phone dial the programming sequence on its own.

A macro key can e.g. be set up as follows:

Enable unconditional group forwarding:
Level 1 of the key
HW1Z ##97 [grp.-number] # W1Z *21* [target number] # W1H Lr

Disable unconditional group forwarding:
Level 2 of the key
HW1Z ##97 [grp.-number] #  W1Z #21# W1H Lo

On IP-systemphone the preceding "HW1" is left out (Z##97...) and the system account must be selected for the key.

Example COMfortel 2600 ISDN:

Example COMfortel  2600 IP:

In the spirit of best serving our customers’ safety and security, we have decided to remove support for Microsoft’s ActiveSync protocol; this was available as an optional feature for some COMfortel devices.

Microsoft has begun phasing out external support of said protocol, and more importantly has publicly announced several security concerns regarding ActiveSync itself.

While Auerswald cannot promise extending support to replacement protocols—primarily because Microsoft has not yet fully implemented support for newer sync services such as Microsoft 365—we are always following the needs of our customers and will continue to explore future sync service options.

We highly recommend continuing to deploy updates to your Auerswald/FONtevo devices, as withholding security updates can cause fundamental service outages and liabilities.