
Online name search for COMpact/COMmander

New templates for "Das Örtliche" and "Eniro”

New templates for the online name search are available for "Das Örtliche" and "Eniro" (Swedish telephone directory), which support the name search for the ICT systems COMmander 6000, COMpact 5500R / 5200R / 5200, COMpact 5000/COMpact 5000R, COMpact 4000, COMpact 3000.

What is the online name search?

The online name search enables names to be transferred via a service provider on the Internet to existing call numbers.

If a call number is transmitted for an incoming call, the entries of the telephone books (ICT system, system telephone) are checked and, if necessary, a corresponding name is displayed and saved in the call data list.

If the transmitted call number is not contained in the telephone books, the online name search function tries to find the name for the call number on a server in the Internet that offers the service. If the server is available and the searched data is stored there, it is transmitted to the telephone. The name is shown in the display of a system telephone (optional, see the telephone's instructions) and stored in the call data list in the External partner column.

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